Three Sources of
Data (Formative Assessment)
Evidence of Learning
is comprised of Observation, Conversation, and Artifacts
OBSERVATION – while observing students engaged in
meaningful tasks, look for:
- Are they staying on topic?
- Is re-teaching required?
- Do you often re-direct?
- Can they extend further? Or in a different way?
- Should you provide resources?
- Are they using previous learned skills? Or personal connections?
- Do they demonstrate understanding?
CONVERSATION – as you talk to students about their
learning, listen for:
- Do they use specific content vocabulary?
- Are the students asking relevant questions?
- Can they explain why?
- Expressions/language demonstrates understanding.
- Can they express connections to previous or personal knowledge?
- Are they expressing additional interests or viewpoints about the topic?

ARTIFACTS – as you collect documents or student
work, look for:
- Compare to rubrics.
- Did they know and meet criteria?
- Demonstrate understanding
- Is re-teaching required? for who? for what?
- Did they edit/fix up based on feedback?
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